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Long Walk Home & Sheep Reintroduction Assimilation: Boarding Schools

Ndé (Mescalero Apache) Reservation Created by Executive Order


In 1871 A. J. Curtis, acting Agent for Mescalero Apache Tribe, based out of Fort Stanton, proposed a reservation be established for the tribe within their ancestral mountains, the White and Sacrementos. On May 29, 1873, by executive order of President Ulysses S. Grant, the Mescalero Apache Reservation was authorized. Although this provided a promise of refuge for the Mescalero, it came at a great cost to their freedom.

It all our country, from the Rio Bravo [Grande] to the Rio Pecos and across it and over in Texas. But we don’t go over there, only when the buffalo run. And our country way down in Mexico and up the Pecos to the mountains. It always been our country... Soldiers not want us to live near Fort Stanton-they need land for horses, maybe cattle too. They not want us live there. Not want us live anywhere. Want us all dead...

Big Mouth Ndé

1873 In Our Collections