Letter from Theo. H. Dodd to W. T. Sherman and S. F. Tappan, May 30, 1868: Page #3
Original title: Auto-Scan166.jpg

During the month of November, 193 who were absent on the day of the count, came in, making total number subsisted 7,304. The cost of subsisting said Indians from the 1st of November 1867, to the 23rd day of May 1868, inclusive, as per report herewith transmitted of Mr. Rosenthall, Commissary for Navajoes, is two hundred and eighty-thousand eight hundred and thirty seven hundredths Dollars ($280,830 07/100). The number of acres of land cultivated at the Bosque Redondo Reservation in the years 1865 and 1866 was about 3,800 acres, 2800 of which was cultivated as a government farm, and the balance, 1000 acres, was cultivated and worked in patches exclusively by the Indians. The amount of produce raised on the government farm during said years, according to the books of the Indian Commissary Department at Fort Sumner, is as follows:--
Corn . . . . . 423,682 pounds Wheat . . . . . 34,113 ” Pumpkins . . . . . 38,403 ”