Letter from Theo. H. Dodd to W. T. Sherman and S. F. Tappan, May 30, 1868: Page #4
Original title: Auto-Scan167.jpg

Beans, 3,515 ”
Corn, 201,420 pounds Beans, 2,942 “ Pumpkins, 29,152 “
In the year 1867 this crop proved a total failure.
The number of animals owned by the Navajos as counted by myself June 30th, 1867, was as follows: -- Horses. 550 Mules. 21 Sheep 940 Goats 1025 . . . . I estimate that since June 30th, 1867, the Navajos have captured from the Comanche Indians about 1000 horses, making total number of horses in the possession of Navajoes about 1500. The number of families on the reservation is about 1850. Since I have been Agent (nearly three years) I have found that a majority of them living on the reservation are peaceable and well disposed. Some thieving ones have