
Fort Union, New Mexico June 20, 1864 My dear Wife It is now [illegible] mails since I have heard from you, and I find myself again writing to you to let you know that I am in the land of the living. I have written a letter to brother Bill, [illegible] is now, I believe, in San Francisco, to help you if you should wish it. I have also asked him to have the Mildiens [illegible] taken and sent home to my mother, as she is anxious to have them, and don't you object to be [illegible] such amounts as he may offer you. I have nothing new to write - we are looking anxiously for the 10th of August. George Henry wishes to be called by name, does he? Kisses for [illegible] and Little Annie, and believe me, my dear wife, to be your affectionate husband. George